Yukari Namagawa is 50 years old. A housewife whose children have become independent and now both her husband and herself live their own lives. Up until now, it has been a family-first affair, and he said that he had kept his flirtation to the extent that he enjoyed it, but he was caught up in the fact that he started playing golf. When I went to the golf course alone, I was paired with my first person I met, but for Yukari it was a meeting place. You can also go straight to Hall 19 after the round with your uncle golfer who has been met with will. Now, he has cut 100 points with a score and is going to the golf course aiming at killing 100 people due to insufficient quality. At last, he decided to appear in AV. Please see the man-swing sex of a fully ripe wife who woke up on 50 streets.